Three Game-Changing Customer Services Trends, Fuel Your Salesforce Support & Maintenance Services Using AI Magic

The advent of Artificial Intelligence has dynamically changed the world of customer support and services. At the same time, Salesforce Service Cloud is also turning every stone to let business users, service agents, mobile workers, service professionals, and decision-makers, offer the best Salesforce support and maintenance service.

AI is a fuel that accelerates Salesforce support services. Currently, cloud computing technology is harnessing its brilliance to enable businesses to deliver personalized and connected experiences to their customers.

According to the state of service report by Salesforce, 49% of businesses have experienced high customer satisfaction post-service cloud implementation. 

AI is also hailed as the booster that helps 93% of businesses save their time on the job and make the business process efficient.

In this post let’s understand three trends that will shape customer services in 2024 and beyond.

Why Delivering Personalized Customer Services Has Become a Norm?

Generative AI is playing a vital role in making the customer service process cost-effective and customer-centric. Customers are king, especially if you are in a service based industry. Their expectations are gradually increasing with each day.

88% of customers say that they prefer to repeat the brand, where they get good customer service.

The following graph will tell you the importance of good customer service from agents’ point of view – 


The numbers are substantial, and it tells that now the customer service is not the same as it used to be. Gone are the days when customers were treated merely as code ID, today, the customers want to feel recognized and heard.


How to Leverage AI to Improve Customer Services – Top Three Trends

  1. AI is an Opportunity – Grab it As Soon As You Can

The number of businesses that are using AI has dramatically increased from 24% to forty-five percent since 2020. It means that generative AI is becoming more crucial for customer services and there are still almost 50% of businesses that are yet to include AI in their existing system.

As a Salesforce Support and maintenance services provider, we have seen businesses being hesitant in integrating AI technology into their business, and there are myriad reasons for it like lack of skills in employees in handling AI technology, fear of trust and reliability among decision-makers, and investment related concerns, to name a few.

These fears are natural, we understand this but with our experience, we can say that generative AI is already making noise in different industries by connecting customers and businesses. It enriches every aspect of customer service, therefore, if you are still wasting your time thinking about whether to go for it or not, you are missing huge growth opportunities.

Don’t wait any more, grab this opportunity, while there’s still time and elevate your customer service process.

Salesforce has recently launched the Service Cloud Unlimited + platform. You can hire a Salesforce Technical Support Services provider and learn more about this tool.


  1. Don’t Leave Mobile Workers Behind

76% of mobile workers say that customers in the present time ask for more than they used to. Keeping up with the evolving customer expectations, budgetary constraints, and insufficient tools and technologies has taken a toll on service agents. 57% of them have experienced burnout at work due to this challenge.

With the integration of CRM into their system, one can experience the best of their mobile workers. The power of automation is benefiting individuals in myriad manners. The chart shows the level of benefits of automation in workflow –  


The next chart gives you deeper insights into how automation boosts efficiency in the field for mobile workers-


Connected data, workflow automation, and easy accessibility have made the lives of service agents much simpler. Let’s understand how you can create a better experience for your workers in the field with the help of AI – 

  • AI helps agents with constant device health monitoring and helps them keep the devices up-to-date.
  • Al also helps agents in scheduling appointments as and when required.
  • Mobile workers can learn about the tools they need for their next visit. It also helps in appointing the right agent to the right case and suggests tentative time taken.
  • Agents can leverage automatically generated work summaries based on their visit. Work summaries help them save time and move to the next visit quickly.
  • Salesforce comes with a self-service facility wherein customers can resolve most of their queries by leveraging the self-service portals.
  • The integration of generative AI minimizes the chances of admin work for mobile workers and enables them to focus on delivering customer services.


  1. Reimagining Customer Service: From Cost Center to Revenue Engine

The future of customer service is no longer just about resolving issues, it’s about driving revenue growth. AI-powered cross-selling will transform service interactions into profit opportunities. Forward-thinking businesses will adopt a holistic view of the entire customer journey, fostering a continuous feedback loop between sales, service, and all departments.

Here’s how this translates for service leaders in 2024:

Unlocking Revenue Potential: Customer service agents and field technicians will be equipped with a complete customer 360 view. This empowers them to offer personalized solutions and recommendations aligned with individual customer preferences and purchase history. Imagine agents equipped with AI-driven suggestions based on customer data, enabling them to strengthen relationships and become valuable revenue contributors.

Shared Success, Shared Goals: Metrics traditionally siloed between sales (conversion rates) and service (resolution times) will start to converge. All functions will prioritize metrics reflecting customer satisfaction, loyalty, and overall lifetime value. This fosters a collaborative environment where everyone contributes to a positive customer experience that drives long-term revenue growth.

AI-Powered Insights, Proactive Action: AI is already a game-changer in analyzing customer behavior, predicting trends, and making informed decisions based on reliable customer data. With this knowledge readily available, agents can shift their focus from reactive problem-solving to proactive assistance and relationship-building. Teams can work together to anticipate customer needs, address potential issues before they arise, and offer value-added services that build loyalty and generate additional revenue streams.


Making Salesforce Support & Maintenance Services Strong with AI– Conclusion

To deliver what customer demands is the need of the hour. The integration of AI with your system makes your business future-ready. Therefore, it is essential to understand the importance of this opportunity of rising AI and embrace it.

Keep all your service agents and mobile workforce on top priority. Their time is important and so their well-being (mentally and physically), which you can improve by empowering them with AI.

Hire a Salesforce support Services Company like FEXLE. The certified Salesforce professionals have 25 years of experience in the Salesforce industry and they can help you elevate your customer service process to the next level.


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