Salesforce Life Sciences Cloud Implementation– Making Clinical Trials More Accessible to Diverse Patient Groups

Latest innovations in healthcare are revolutionizing the industry, and yet there’s a huge scope of opportunity for innovation and advancements, especially, when it comes to clinical trials.

Often healthcare organizations feel challenged when it comes to collecting and analyzing trial data from participants from diverse backgrounds.

The inclusion of diverse demographics assures safer and more robust healthcare solutions for everyone, but often, healthcare institutions experience non-optimized workflow management and the unavailability of time-sensitive reports, which ultimately affect clinical trials.

Here comes Salesforce Life Sciences cloud, a cloud CRM solution that empowers researchers to build stronger relationships with potential participants from diverse backgrounds.


Why Salesforce Life Science Cloud for Clinical Trials?

In a study of Drug Development report by Tufts Center, it has been revealed that merely 10% of clinical trial participants belong to racial and ethnic minorities. This lack of diversity has a direct impact on the generalizability of research findings, potentially leading to treatments that are less effective or even harmful for certain patient groups.

The advent of Salesforce Life Sciences Cloud will foster targeted outreach, personalized communication, and streamlined engagement throughout the trial process, Salesforce Health Cloud helps bridge the gap between researchers and underrepresented communities.


Salesforce Consulting Services for Uncreased Clinical Trials

It will not be hyperbolic to state that life sciences will play a significant role in addressing the diversity issues in clinical trials.

For a healthcare institute that works on clinical research, it often becomes daunting to involve homogeneous participants. It leaves a gap in understanding the performance of treatments across different races, ethnicities, demographics, gender groups, etc. Such compromises with the clinical data are irreverent for the healthcare industry and for the people who participated in the clinical trials.

Let’s move ahead and check out the role of CRM solutions in spurring clinical trials, and it helps overcome diversity challenges.


Connect Coordinators and Trial Participants

Do not let the unconnected and uncoordinated communication fetter your clinical trials. Get Salesforce consulting services to leverage the life sciences cloud to its fullest. It will enable coordinators to understand the preferences, cultural sensitivities, and language preferences to connect with participants.


Experiential Design for Clinical Trials

As we have discussed in the previous point, CRM helps you personalize communication with participants and based on this personalization, healthcare institutes can conduct practically easy-to-approach clinical trials by understanding their needs and preferences.

 It will be a great way to improve the trial’s accessibility, engagement rate, and equality. It will also bring some cultural sensitivity into patient care.


Understanding Experiences of Potential Participants

Historical mistrust in medical research, cultural beliefs about health, and socio-economic factors can all influence a patient’s decision to participate. Here’s where Salesforce Life Science Cloud Implementation Services come in. With its correct implementation researchers gain access to powerful tools for community outreach and engagement. They can design targeted communication strategies, gather patient feedback through surveys and discussions, and build trust by addressing concerns directly.

This deep understanding of patient perspectives allows researchers to design trials that are not only inclusive but also respectful of the diverse needs and priorities of potential participants.

From personalized communication to cultural competence and accessibility & inclusivity, these three factors play a significant role in enhancing engagement with diverse patient group.


Creating Consent Form to Nurture Trial

Salesforce CRM comes with myriad well-defined form templates, you can choose one from the library or hire a Salesforce consulting partner to customize as per your requirements. Consent forms are imperative for any clinical trial as it works as a first point of communication between trial workers and participants.

CRM helps you build one as per your trial requirements. Here’s how a consent form proves beneficial for a clinical trial – 

  • It helps collect information from every stakeholder, including patients, healthcare providers, community leaders, etc.
  • The consent form helps formulate success metrics based on dynamics like satisfaction scores, number of participants, etc.
  • Salesforce CRM is equipped with a feature, namely journey builder. You can map out the journey of potential participants based on the consent form with the help of this tool.
  • Ideation and wireframing of the form is another important dynamic that brings clarity, accessibility, and cultural sensitivity.
  • Forms built with the help of CRM can be sent out for trail testing. You can identify the issues affecting the quality of form and work on it accordingly.


Improve the Recruitment Rate of Patients

For patients who agreed to the clinical trials, their nature might be mercurial. In such a situation, having them stay becomes daunting. Salesforce CRM helps healthcare organizations overcome this challenge and improve the recruitment as well as retention of diverse patients in the process of trials.

Healthcare can take the help of the pantheons of CRM like the Salesforce consulting company to leverage the brilliance of the life sciences cloud, such as increasing personalization, improving on-time interaction with participants, and more.

  • ·Life Sciences CRM is powered by AI. It uses data, identifies dynamics, and helps you segment the potential participants on their preferred channel of communication.
  • ·With the help of CRM you can keep track of conversations with your potential patients and also guide you with the next best steps to improve interactions.
  • You can also leverage the built-in form functionality and send out feedback forms to participants to keep them in the loop.


Top Three Ways to Overcome Challenges in the Salesforce Life Sciences CRM Implementation Process

One of the biggest fears while conducting clinical trials is the success rate. Because of the poor implementation, many clinical trials and their outcomes stayed in a dormancy state. On the other hand, the healthcare organizations that have embraced Salesforce CRM, have spurred the success of such trials, especially the ones with patients’ diversity.

Here are the top three challenges which you might face while conducting clinical trials  – 

Technical Challenges

  • Incompatibility with legacy system – ·Often incompatibility between CRM and your current system becomes an issue that ferrets clinical trials. Hire a Salesforce partner, their careful planning, meticulous data migration strategies, and ongoing support will address all challenges related to compatibility.
  • ·Security and safety of data – Protecting data is paramount in any case, clinical trials are no exception. Patients keep their trust in you and it’s your duty to keep their data safe. With Salesforce CRM you can keep it safe, comply with healthcare rules like HIPPA, and ensure consent.
  • CRM Training – Using a CRM system is not rocket science, yet being well-versed in using it is imperative. In the absence of proper knowledge and training in using a CRM system, clinical trials become easy, consistent, fecund, and result-driven.


Privacy and Security Challenges

  • Ethical Data Use – CRM ensures healthcare organizations and patients participating in clinical trials that their data are used ethically while maintaining transparency throughout the process.
  • Trust – Successful clinical trials hinge on fostering a trusting relationship with participants. This is achieved through transparent communication, ensuring participants fully understand the potential benefits and risks involved. Additionally, unwavering respect for patient privacy and a demonstrably ethical approach throughout the entire trial process are paramount. It all can be achieved via successful Salesforce implementation.


We have tried to transpire every aspect of conducting successful clinical trials, and there is no second thought that it Salesforce Life Sciences Cloud would be a game changer if implemented optimally.

It will help healthcare organizations to tap diverse audiences and make the trials more accessible and successful. There might come a few challenges, but you can always hire a Salesforce consulting partner, and we promise, that the success rate of clinical trials covering diverse patients, will be incorrigible.


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