WausauHomes hails from the real estate industry and helps people build customized homes according to their family needs and budget.
Wausau Homes is a real estate industry leader that works with independent professional custom home builders. It supplies local builders WausaHomes factory-built components to incorporate into houses. The company-verified builders help customers at each stage of the home-building process.
Data maintenance was onerous for WausauHomes. Their data was rambling across multiple sources. They require their data to be methodic, organized and consolidated, through which the local builders get better & territories-wise insights. The administrators also wanted to have global business insights.
One of the top objectives was to set up an end-to-end Tableau environment on AWS that provides in-depth insights into territories to local builders and admins.
WausauHomes works with independent professional custom home builders from across the local markets. It makes their data scattered across different channels. Our solution experts have deployed their expertise in offering end-to-end Tableau solutions.